Владимир Брюхин

Лаборатория геномики растений была образована в августе 2020 г, когда Владимир Брюхин присоединился с команде SCAMT. До этого в течение восьми лет Владимир работал совместно с профессором Стивом ОБрайеном в Центре геномной биоинформатики им. Ф.Г. Добржанского СПбГУ. Совместно с профессором С. ОБрайеном он являлся одним из организаторов и координаторов проекта «Российские геномы». В круг научных интересов Владимира входят:
  • функциональная генетика
  • биология развития
  • эпигенетика
  • сравнительная геномика
  • биология полового и бесполого размножения растений

Владимир закончил биолого-почвенный факультет Ленинградского государственного университета в 1988 году, в 1993 защитил кандидатскую диссертацию в отделе Эмбриологии и Репродуктивной Биологии БИН РАН. В 1994 году стажировался в Люблинском университете им. Марии Склодовской-Кюри в Польше. В 1996-97 годах проходил стажировку в отделе Морфологии и цитологии растений университета Вагенингена в Нидерландах. В 1997-98 годах работал по гранту Министерства науки и технологий Франции в университете Бордо в лаборатории клеточной биологии и биотехнологии растений. После этого в 1999-2000 работал по программе Висби в генетическом центре г. Уппсала, Швеция, где изучал апоптоз в процессе соматического эмбриогенеза. С 2000 по 2006 в качестве старшего научного сотрудника работал в отделе генетики развития растений Цюрихского университета (Швейцария), где принимал участие в координации работы швейцарской группы по европейскому проекту EXOTIC в рамках 5-й программы Евросоюза по биотехнологии, а также занимался преподаванием и проводил исследования по функциональной генетике полового размножения и роли транспозонов в репродуктивном мутагенезе. В 2006-2007 гг. был приглашен для исследований по протеомике в университет Иллинойса в Урбане (США). С начала 2008 по 2013 гг. занимался научной работой и преподаванием в Великобритании в университете Уэльса в Аберистуите и в Эдинбургском университете, где проводил исследования по эпигенетике и по приобретению и утрате клеткой ее специализации в процессе морфогенеза.

Публикации В.Брюхина:

Brukhin V. (2020) Epigenetic Control in Plants. Epigenomes 4(3), 11; https://doi.org/10.3390/epigenomes4030011

Zhernakova D.V., Brukhin V., Malov S., Oleksyk T.K., Koepfli K.P., Zhuk A., Dobrynin P., Kliver S., Cherkasov N., ..., O'Brien S.J. et al. (2019) Genome-wide sequence analyses of ethnic populations across Russia. Genomics. 2020 Jan;112 (1):442-458. doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2019.03.007.

Brukhin V., Osadtchiy J.V., Florez-Rueda A. M., Smetanin D., Nobre M.S., Bakin E., Grossniklaus U. (2019) The Boechera Genus as a Resource for Apomixis Research. Frontiers in Plant Science - Special Issue Plant Breeding, March 2019, v. 10:392. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00392.

Brukhin V., Baskar R. (2019) A brief note on genes that trigger components of apomixis. Journal of Biosciences, 44:45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12038-019-9850-1.

Kliver S., Rayko M., Komissarov A., Bakin E., Zhernakova D., Prasad K., Rushworth C., Baskar R., Smetanin D., Schmutz J., Rokhsar D.S., Mitchell-Olds T., Grossniklaus U., Brukhin V. (2018) Assembly of the Boechera retrofracta Genome and Evolutionary Analysis of Apomixis-Associated Genes. Genes (Basel), 9(4). pii: E185. doi: 10.3390/genes9040185.

Brukhin V. (2017) Is sex irreplaceable? Towards the molecular regulation of apomixis. Int. J. Plant Reproduct. Biol. 9(2),153-169.

Yurchenko A, Yudin N, Aitnazarov R, Plyusnina A, Brukhin V, Soloshenko V, Lhasaranov B, Popov R, Paronyan IA, Plemyashov KV, Larkin DM. (2017) Genome-wide genotyping uncovers genetic profiles and history of the Russian cattle breeds. Heredity. doi: 10.1038/s41437-017-0024-3.

Osadtchiy J. V., Naumova T. N., Brukhin V. B. (2017) APOMIXIS IN THE GENUS BOECHERA (BRASSICACEAE). Bot. J. 102 (12): 1587-1607.     DOI: 10.1134/S0006813617120018

Brukhin V. (2017) Molecular and Genetic Regulation of Apomixis. Russ J Genetics  53 (9),  1001-1024. DOI: 10.1134/S1022795417090046

Oleksyk TK, Brukhin V, O'Brien SJ. (2015) Putting Russia on the genome map. Science. 13; 350 (6262):747.

Oleksyk TK, Brukhin V, O'Brien SJ. (2015) The Genome Russia project: closing the largest remaining omission on the world Genome map. GigaScience; 4:53. DOI: 10.1186/s13742-015-0095-0

Dobrynin P, Liu S, Tamazian G, Xiong Z, Yurchenko AA, Krasheninnikova K, Kliver S, Schmidt-Küntzel A, Koepfli KP, Johnson W, Kuderna LF, García-Pérez R, Manuel Md, Godinez R, Komissarov A, Makunin A, Brukhin V, Qiu W, Zhou L, Li F, Yi J, Driscoll C, Antunes A, Oleksyk TK, Eizirik E, Perelman P, Roelke M, Wildt D, Diekhans M, Marques-Bonet T, Marker L, Bhak J, Wang J, Zhang G, O'Brien SJ. (2015) Genomic legacy of the African cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus. Genome Biol.; 16:277.

Gaik Tamazian, Serguei Simonov, Joan Pontius, Alexey Makunin, Anton Logachev, Aleksey Komissarov, Nikolay Cherkasov, Andrey Shevchenko, Vladimir Brukhin, Anton Svitin, Pavel Dobrynin, Klaus-Peter Koepfli, Carlos A Driscoll, Kevin Blackistone, Cristina Barr, David Goldman, Agostinho Antunes, Javier Quilez, Belen Lorente-Galdos, Can Alkan, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Marylin Menotti-Raymond, Victor David, Kristina Narfstrom, LaDeana W Hillier, Patrick Minx, Wesley Warren and Stephen J O'Brien (2014). Annotated Features of Domestic Cat-Felis Catus. GigaScience, 3: 13.

Brukhin V. and Morozova N. (2011) Plant growth and development - basic knowledge and current views. Mathematical Modelling Natural Phenomena, v.6, No.2, 1- 53.

Brukhin V., Jaciubek M., Bolanos Carpio, A.., Kuzmina V., Grossniklaus, U. (2011) Female Gametophytic Mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana Identified in a Gene Trap Insertional Mutagenesis Screen. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 55 : 73-84.   

Chekanova J.A., Gregory B.D., Reverdatto S.V., Chen H., Kumar R., Hooker T., Junshi Yazaki J., Li P., Skiba N., Peng Q., Alonso J., Brukhin V., Grossniklaus U., Ecker J.R.; Belostotsky D.A. (2007) Genome-Wide High-Resolution Mapping of Exosome Substrates Reveals Hidden Features in the Arabidopsis Transcriptome. Cell, 131 (7):1340-1353.

Dumbliauskas E., Lechner E., Alioua M., Cognat V., Brukhin V., Berger F., Koncz C., Grossniklaus U., Molinier J., Genschik P. (2011) The Arabidopsis CUL4-DDB1 complex interacts with MSI1 and is required to maintain MEA parental imprinting. EMBO J. 30(4): 731-43.

Brukhin V., Curtis M.D., Grossniklaus U. (2005) The angiosperm female gametophyte: no longer forgotten generation. Review Current Science, 89 (11): 1844-1852.

Brukhin V., Gheyeselinck J., Gagliardini V., Genschik P., Grossniklaus U. (2005) The RPN1 subunit of the 26S proteasome in Arabidopsis is essential for embryogenesis. The Plant Cell, 17 (10): 2723-37.

Thomann A. *, Brukhin V.* , Dieterle M., Gheyeselinck J., Grossniklaus U., Genschik P. (2005) Arabidopsis CUL3A and CUL3B genes are essential for normal embryogenesis. The Plant Journal, 43 (3): 437-448. * These authors contributed equally to this work.

Brukhin V., Hernould M., Gonzalez N., Chevalier C., Mouras A. (2003) Flower development schedule in tomato Lycopersicon esculentum cv. sweet cherry. Sex. Plant Reproduction. 15 (6): 311-320.

Brukhin V.B. (2006) Histochemical and immunohistochemical aspects of embryogenesis. In: Embryology of flowering plants Terminology and Concepts. Ed. Prof. T.Batygina. Enfield, NH, USA, Science  Publisher Inc. vol. 2 Seed, pp. 370-373.

Batygina T.B., Brukhin V.B. (2006) Embryogenesis in Paeoniaceae. In: Embryology of flowering plants. Terminology and Concepts Ed. Prof. T.Batygina. Enfield, NH, USA, Science Publisher  Inc. vol. 2 Seed, pp. 351-355.

Brukhin V., Grossniklaus U. (2003) Identification of genes affecting female gametogenesis: putative role of regulatory subunit of the 26S proteasome in the switch from meiosis to mitosis. Proceed. of the workshop “Embryogenesis and development regulation in plants”, 6-7 March 2003, Turin, Italy.

Grossniklaus, U. Moore, J.M., Brukhin, V., Gheyselinck, J., Baskar, R., Vielle-Calzada, J-P. , Baroux, C., Page, D.R., and Spillane, C. (2002). Engineering of apomixis in crop plants: what can we learn from sexual model systems. In: Vasil IK (Ed) Plant Biotechnology 2002 & Beyond, Kluwer Academic Publishers: Dordrecht, p309-314.

Brukhin V., Clapham D., Elfstrand M., von Arnold S. (2000) Basta tolerance as a selectable and screening marker for transgenic plants of Norway spruce.- Plant Cell Reports, 19: 899-903.

Filonova L.H., Bozhkov P.V., Brukhin V.B., Daniel G., Zhivotovsky B. and von Arnold S. (2000) Two waves of programmed cell death occur during formation and development of somatic embryos in the gymnosperm Norway spruce. J Cell Sci, 113 (24): 4399-4411.

Brukhin V.B., Moleva I.R., Filonova L.H., Grakhov V.P., Blume Ya.B, Bozhkov P.V. (1996)  Proliferative activity of  callus culture of Taxus baccata in relation to anticancer diterpenoid taxol biosynthesis. Biotechnology Letters (Chapman & Hall, London), vol. 18, N 11, pp. 1309-1314.

Brukhin V.B., Bozhkov P.V. (1996) Female gametophyte development and embryogenesis in Taxus baccata L.  – Acta Soc.  Bot.Pol., vol. 65, N 1-2, pp. 135-139.

Tchorzewska D.,  Brukhin V.B., Bednara J. (1996) Organelle layers at meiocyte of Psilotum nudum. - Acta  Soc.Bot.Pol., vol. 65, N 1-2, pp. 91-96.

Brukhin.V., Zemanek A. (1996) The manuscripts of Russian translations of the Polish herbal /Zielnik/ (1613) by Syreniusz in St.Petersburg.- Kwartalnik historii nauki i techniki (Warsaw), vol. 41, N 3-4, pp. 189-195.

Brukhin V.B. (1994) Somatic embryogenesis in vitro and in vivo. - Tranasactions of Vth Conf. of  Botanists in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, May 1994 - pp. 97 - 100.

Brukhin V.B., Batygina T.B. (1994) Morphogenesis in culture of peony in vitro.  Biologia Plantarum  supplement, v. 36 - p. 78.

Brukhin V.B., Batygina T.B. (1994) Embryo culture and somatic embryogenesis in culture of Paeonia anomala L. - Phytomorphology. - v. 44, N 3 & 4. - pp. 151-157.

Brukhin V.B. (1993) Some questions of embryogenesis  of  Paeonia L. (Paeoniaceae). - Transactions of IVth Conf. of Botanists, St.Petersburg, Russia, part 2, pp.37-43, VINITI 10.06.93, N 1622-B 93.

Other Essential Publications and Abstracts/ Communications:

Е.А. Бакин , Ф. Сезер, М. П. Райко, К. М. Таскин, В.Б. Брюхин (2020) Филогенетический и функциональный анализ генов, ассоциированных с апомиксисОМ, CENH3 и APOLLO. Актуальная биотехнология. 1-5.

Obrien S.J., Zhernakova D.V., Brukhin V., Malov S., Oleksyk T.K., Koepfli K.P., Zhuk A., Dobrynin P., Kliver S., Cherkasov N., Tamazian G., Rotkevich M., Krasheninnikova K., Evsyukov I., Sidorov S., Gorbunova A., Chernyaeva E., Shevchenko A., Kolchanova S., Komissarov A. et al. (2019) THE GENOME RUSSIA PROJECT-2019. В книге: VII International Congress and Associate Symposiums of Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders on the 100th Anniversary of The Department of Genetics of Saint Petersburg State University. Сборник тезисов Международного Конгресса. 2019. p. 89. eLIBRARY ID: 39156238

Zhernakova D.V., Evsyukov I., Zhuk A., Dobrynin P., Malov S., Cherkasov N., Tamazyan G., Rotkevich M., Krasheninnikova K., Gorbunova A., Shevchenko A., Komissarov A., Simonov S., Logachev A., Novozhilov A., Oleksik T.K., Köpfli K.P., Brukhin V., Obrien S. (2019) THE STRUCTURE OF RUSSIAN POPULATIONS ACCORDING TO THE DATA OF THE PROJECT "RUSSIAN GENOMS". In the book: VII Congress of the Vavilov Society of Geneticists and Breeders, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Genetics, St. Petersburg State University, and associated symposia. Collection of abstracts of the International Congress. 2019. 1025. eLIBRARY ID: 39157312

Brukhin V., Kliver S., Rayko M., Komissarov A., Bakin E., Rushworth C., Mitchell-Olds T., Grossniklaus U. (2018) ASSEMBLY AND COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF SOME APOMICTIC BOECHERA SPECIES GENOMES. В книге: Molecular Phylogenetics. Contributions to the 5th Moscow International Conference "Molecular Phylogenetics and Biodiversity Biobanking". Eds. A. Troitsky and L. Rusin. 2018. С. 29-30. DOI: 10.30826/MolPhy2018-14  

Brukhin V., Kliver S., Rayko M., Komissarov A., Bakin E., Rushworth C., Mitchell-Olds T., Grossniklaus U. (2018) ASSEMBLY AND ANNOTATION OF GENOMES OF SOME SPECIES FROM THE APOMICTIC GENUS BOECHERA AND EVOLUTIONARY ANALYSIS OF APOMIXIS-ASSOCIATED GENES. В книге: Bioinformatics of Genome Regulation and Structure\Systems Biology (BGRS\SB-2018). The Eleventh International Conference. 2018. С. 154. DOI: 10.18699/BGRSSB-2018-125

Brukhin V., Thomann A., Dieterle, Gheysenlinck J., Genschik P., Grossniklaus U. The role of the ubiquitin/26S proteasome pathway in plant morphogenesis and embryogenesis. Abstr. XII Interantional Conference on Plant Embryology. Krakow, Poland, September 5-7, 2005. Acta Biol. Cracoviensa 2005, vol.47 suppl. 1, p.34.

Brukhin V., Gheysenlinck J., Genschik P., Grossniklaus U. The RPN1 subunit of the 26S proteasome in Arabidopsis is essential for embryogenesis. Abstr. 18 th International Congres on Sexual Plant Reprouction. Beijing, China, August 20-24, 2004- pp. 81-82.

Brukhin V., Gheysenlinck J., Grossniklaus U. Female gametophytic mutants in Arabidopsis. Abstr. 17 th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reprouction. Lublin, Poland, July 9-13, 2002- p. 39.

Brukhin V., Clapham D., Elfstrand M., von Arnold S. Basta resistance as a selectable and screening marker for transgenic Norway spruce. Forest Biotechnology’99. The International Wood Biotechnology Symposium, Oxford, United Kingdom, July 11-16, 1999 – p.22.

 Brukhin V.B., Hernould M., Mouras A. Spatial and temporal expression of Le 8 gene in tomato flowers and fruits. Abstr. 15 th Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction. Wageningen, The Netherlands, August 1998 - p. 65.

Filonova L., Malysheva L., Grakhov V., Brukhin V., Blume Ya. Genetic and non-genetic control over biosynthesis of taxol in Taxus baccata L.- XVIII Congress of SPPS, Uppsala, Sweden, 12-17 June, 1997, p.192.

Brukhin V.B., Kubagusheva I.F., Bozhkov P.V. A recovery of callus cultures from shoot segments of Taxus spp. - Proceed. 20-th Belgian-Dutch "LOF Symposium" on  Taxol and other Taxanes as New Anti-Cancer Drugs. 1995, November, Leiden, The Netherlands, p.10.

Brukhin V.B., Batygina T.B. The growth regulators' influence on morphogenesis in embryo culture of peony. Abstr. VIII Int. Congress of Plant Tissue and Cell Culture. Firenze, Italy, June 1994, p. 213.

Brukhin V.B. Influence of growth regulators on culture of embryoids from the seeds of Paeonia anomala L. – Abstr. III Conf. of Russian Society of Plant Physiologists. St.Petersburg, Russia, 1993. - p. 268.

Batygina T.B., Titova G.E., Brukhin V.B. Is the embryo in the mature seed of Paeonia sexual? – Abstr. 12 th International Congress on Sexual Plant Reproduction. Columbus Ohio, USA, July 1992 -pp.4-5.