Synthesis of Plasmin‐Loaded Fe3O4@CaCO3 Nanoparticles: Towards Next Generation of Thrombolytic Drugs

Магистр первого года обучения SCAMT Никита Серов, совместно с коллегами из лаборатории "Нанофармацевтики" опубликовал статью «Synthesis of Plasmin‐Loaded Fe3O4@CaCO3 Nanoparticles: Towards Next Generation of Thrombolytic Drugs» в журнале ChemNanoMat.


A major obstacle in the development of next-generation of thrombolytic drugs has been the fact that plasmin -a serine protease that dissolves fibrin in blood clots -despite being the only enzyme suitable for the clot cleavage, is still not used in practice due to its rapid inactivation. Here we point to a potential solution to this problem by developing a magnetically-controlled system for targeted delivery and recrystallization-driven release of plasmin showing tremendous therapeutic potential.

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