ITMO University continues to develop new competencies; recently, it opened a new research center for chemistry and biotechnology

Students will now be able to use the center's laboratories to conduct practice-oriented research, as well as work on orders from different industrial partners. Having enlisted world-class scientists and fixed with modern equipment, the center is to become the university's new calling card.

The Chemistry and Biotechnology Center was opened as part of the chemical and biological cluster, which also includes the Department of Chemistry and Molecular Biology and SCAMT International Laboratory.

The Center has all the high-end equipment necessary for working in different fields and includes several laboratories. The chemical laboratory is fixed with wireless systems, as well as remote control systems. The students can not only monitor chemical reactions, but also model them beforehand, or add engineering components to the process. Thus, they get the opportunity to conduct both theoretical research and practical projects.

The biological laboratory is equipped with modern microscopes and systems for processing and storing biological objects. Representatives of industry are expected to take part in the laboratory's work, by helping developing the educational programs and giving students real tasks.

"This way, we will train young specialists who are ready for professional activities and are in-demand", comments Pavel KrivoshapkinHead of Chemistry and Biotechnology Research and Educational Center.

The center also has a modern educational complex, where both classical approaches and innovative solutions will be realized. This means students won't just carry out some current tasks, but work alongside the laboratory's staff and use the methods and approaches developed by young scientists. Thus, they will have the opportunity to learn the latest trends in the field of chemistry and biotechnology.

Also, an accreditation laboratory for conducting different examinations will be opened at the Center; the laboratory will give out certification documents on request of the Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare, Ministry of Internal Affairs, and other similar organizations.

"We are going to concentrate most of the university's competencies in chemistry in this center. This field of science is something new to our university, yet, we've fitted all the laboratories with all the relevant equipment, so I believe we'll succeed in developing this direction", adds Pavel Krivoshapkin.

Today, both in Russia and all around the world, new medical methods like targeted drug delivery, biotechnologies like those used for preserving crops, and other related fields, develop rapidly, — which means that graduates of the Chemical and Biological Cluster will surely stay in demand. Vladimir Vinogradov, head of SCAMT Laboratory, also stressed that they plan to develop a subcluster for spin-off companies. Thus, the projects and competencies created as part of education will be later used by high-technology companies. The cluster will also interact with ITMO's other units, for example, the Faculty of Technological Management and Innovations, so that students would get the opportunity to get entrepreneurial skills.

"We will train highly qualified engineers who will meet the market's demands, and entrepreneurs with experience in working with high-technology field, who will be versed in the tendencies and innovations of Chemical and Biological industries", concluded Mr. Vinogradov.


(author Natalia Blinnikova)